Friday, August 6, 2010


days have been passed into years,
you've become better
day by day
week by week
month by month
year by year.
but, this year turn out to be different.
its such compliment for me to pleased you
on your day.

may your wishes all come true,
even if you have a ton.

♥ you ♥

ps: I made some virtual birthday card for popeye and the good news is he loves it much. although he's hundred miles away from me.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

a month

31 days we've been together,
no interesting stories to share,
no extraordinary adventure to tell,
no sweet words,
no, just nothing to share,
because , it is indescribable and there's no words interpret deep inside,
all I did, just enjoy,
and ,
l o v e

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I never thought, you would be the fiercest guy
I've made some thick wall, but you could make it falling down
then you came into "there"
you make every doubtful clear enough
there, I see you as you are
standing in the corner
no more shadow, no more demanded, no more doubt
then, first thing cross my mind is,
I should try and listen to my conscience.

we're not together (yet).
I do appreciate processes, he needs to think for the next step,
Either do I.
so here we are to build the sparks as one.

Ps : I've made cupcakes for him and surprised him. Thank God he likes it and very pleased :">

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Should I ? Shouldn't I?

We've gotta learn from our past (especially our mistakes) to be better man each day for the rest of your future. beside mistakes, we should be trained more mature to handle every-kind-of situation. how to re-act? how to control own-emotion?
when I'm in a middle that re-situation I just couldn't help my-own-self to react and not being overrated. every little things across mind was self injure, cry, anger, and everything turns out to be so wrong.
oh God, how to pursue my happiness? long-last one. I barely know myself recently and its pathetic. I'M TIRED! should I leave?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

error trial

one of my birthday gift from my sisters is disderi 3 lenses, actually its kind of lomo, but lomo hasn't admit it as one of their sort. this is my first roll, which is error-trial, just 5 photos succeed while another 35 shoots thus slight. anyway, enjoy and give me some tips then.

(kind of weird, the photos can't be rotate :|)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

simplest way

drapery wear as dress or cape

simple is another dressing up

back when hi-school way

leather not just allow for jackets or pants, either dress

grey is the new black

I always loved simple cut

get them all from here.

feeling guilty

have you ever felt being someone bad?
yea, I DID. couple days ago, I felt that way. I've been the worst man alive ever.
you know why? it's caused I did hurt somebody feeling.
maybe I hurt someone a lot, but this time was different. I was like hurting him slightly, which is I never ever done it before. you don't even know how I feel.
let's make it a quick-story-telling, I've been in a get-to-know progress with someone recently, actually he's my old friend and we've been a good friends, all of the sudden others friends are trying to make us getting closer. at the first time, everything looks just fine but afterward it's just wrong. weird. awkward. inconvenient. I feel like, 'men, this time I'm in a wrong track' where the is hell my principe? I said, that once as a friend always be friends for good. but then I break my words. and I FAILED.
I couldn't make it through with someone which I don't have the same way with him. thus, I decided to take a retreat slowly like; I replied the message if it's necessary and so on. after that act, one of my friends asked me about that stuff and to be frank, I couldn't tell her the truth. I hide it up with laugh and try to talked another topics. but then, the truth release sweetly from my own mouth and the first thing in my mind was 'what am I talking about? screw you, Ranti'
they asked me to say what I feel for real which I got busted, then I told them everything I have done. and asked for their help to give him a 'sign' that am not into it any longer.
then, that night them all talked to him and tell everything I've said. BUT THEN! NIGHTMARE CAME TO ME. yea! he called me and told me that he knew everything. while at that time, I should give him certainty. VOILA! that was it, I became a heartless couple days night ago.

NOTE : I've never refuse someone directly. I always gave them a sign before they moved too far with me. I can't say it, yep! that is the immature side of me. just couldn't. this is for the first time I pulled it out. I'm deeply sorry to you, am not as you think for real, I just beyond your expectation.